Spin Skater (“Becoming One”) (14:40) | Purchase
Piano Version
Spin Skater Episodes (18″) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Parts
Purchase Full Score and Parts (Complete)
Orchestra Version
2+1,2+1,2,2/3,3,3,1/Timp+2/Harp, Piano/Strings
Due Sorelle
- Sunday Promenade (6:15) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Parts
- Sister I, Catherine (7:10) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Parts
- Spiraling with Angels (4:12) | Purchase Full Score
- Parnell Interlude (1:04) | Purchase Full Score
- Sister II, Rosamunde (7:10) | Purchase Full Score
- Youth & Religion (4:00) | Purchase Full Score
- Cotillion (6:10) | Purchase Full Score
- Garden Party (6:12) | Purchase Full Score
- Finale (14:24) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Parts
In this Victorian age setting, the cast of “Due Sorelle” (including children in baby carriages, Maids, and two generations of their elders) is introduced.
In Which Cio-Cio San Goes With Pinkerton (9:15) | Purchase
Beethoven Variants (12:20) | Purchase
Beethoven Variants became an intriguing idea while playing the opening page of the Allegro Movement of his Pf. Sonata #4. I began improvising in a similar vein, but with some influence of music from more recent times. Hmmm? Wonder how it would be to extend it as ‘tho progressing through influences of more recent times. Beginning on page 2, I attempted to write in a compatible style then gradually come forward in time. Feeling B. looking over my shoulder the whole time, then bringing his hand firmly on my shoulder when I reached the whole tone scale, thought ‘I had better wrap this up.’
Sonata for Violin and Piano
I. Introduction & Toccata (4:31) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Violin Part
Violin and Piano
II. Sonnet (4:16) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Violin Part
Violin and Piano
III. Idyll (4:13) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Violin Part
Violin and Piano
IV. Games & Epilogue (11:20) | Purchase Full Score | Purchase Violin Part
Violin and Piano
Purchase the Complete Sonata (Full Score and Parts)
Goldilocks & Baby Bear Dancing Under Moonlight in a Wooded Clearing (12:11) | Purchase Full Score and Parts
Soprano, Alto and Baritone Voices and Tuba Quartet
Profile of a Puffin (The Flying Lesson) (5:57) | Purchase
Adam Schnell, Director of Ballet Vero Beach, choreographed the piano piece “Cio-cio San”. “Beethoven Variants” was choreographed by the company’s Ballet Master and Principal Dancer Camillo Rodriguez. Schnell and Rodriguez cooperated with the choreography for “Sonata for Violin and Piano”.

Thank you! I must admit, I had not touched Sonata since Camilo and I were working at in August/September, and I am getting it back in my brain for rehearsals with the dancers next week. It is so beautiful and rich Paul, we are lucky to be working with your brilliant music! ********** Truly my best, and let’s talk about more of your fabulous scores we might be able to work with!
Director and Choreographer Ballet Vero Beach; Choreographer Omaha Ballet